jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020


Julio de Borbón de Soto-Angurel.
For those who ask where is the evidence of fraud in the current presidential elections, I ask you:
Where is the evidence of how it was organized and who carried out the blasting of the French ship La Coubre loaded with explosives in the bay of Havana, Cuba?
Where is the evidence of those who ordered the assassination of President Kennedy?
Or do they believe the fable in the Warren Report that Lee Harvey Oswald killed him?
Where is the evidence of how the assassination of Attorney General Robert Kennedy was orchestrated?
Or do they believe the ill-told fable that Sirham Bishara Sirham killed him?
Where is the real evidence of how the disappearance and murder of union leader Jimmy Hoffa was prepared?
Where is the evidence of how Black leader Malcolm X was prepared, executed, and who ordered the execution?
Where is the evidence of how the execution of the black leader Martin Luther King was organized?
Where is the real and true evidence that the attack and destruction of the World Trade Center was the product of the collision of planes and not that they were blown up with explosives?
Where is the real evidence that the attack on the Pentagon was a rocket and not a crashed plane?
Conspirations and dirty work are not written and you never want to leave evidence.
Always, all evidence is erased and evidence is never left.

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